I was in my car listening to Bad Blood by Taylor Swift when I started considering the song’s lyrics and how it’s a response to the feud she is having with Katy Perry.
My younger self would have said, “Taylor hates the bitch because Katy hired some of her crew during a tour in an attempt to sabotage it and Taylor wrote a song about her”, and I would have left it at that. As I’ve gotten older I tend to ask more questions about the reasoning behind why artists do what they do and how this is probably just a ploy to get more listens. Then I thought, why the fuck am I thinking about this and why do I care?
Why Do I Care About Taylor Swift and Katy Perry?
I know neither of them personally and I don’t listen to their music that often, however, I’m fascinated by the lyrics to this song and their meaning. Does Katy really live with ghosts? Was there ever really mad love? What were the exact bullet holes?
The brain power behind labeling it as a response to their “bad blood” is the genius behind the promoters for Taylor Swift. They are getting me to care about this feud even though I shouldn’t. Why are celebrities put on a pedestal where we (the plebeians) care about their every move?
It must be the connection we have to their music. The opening lyric to Teenage Dream is “You think I’m pretty, without any make up on.” (girls crave for this line) Shake it Off (a song about not letting what other people say get you down) has 1 BILLION YouTube views. BABY YOU’RE A FIREWORK!!!!!! (another up-lifter and no I’ve never felt like a plastic bag). These all relate to human emotion in a very general sense which is why it is felt by so many people and why they have the power they do.
Back To My Car
So now I’m back in my car thinking about all of this while Bad Blood is playing . Why do I care about Katy Perry and find her magnificent breasts magnetic (why are these words so close?). Why do I think Taylor Swift is a complete bitch for not letting her music go on Spotify? Why do I wonder why there is Bad Blood when the answer to this question has precisely 0 meaning in my life. I honestly don’t know.
This post started with no conclusion and I muddled through it with various observations but no meaning. This is why I’m a two bit blogger. I start a post with no end in sight other than the opportunity to post hot pictures of Katy Perry and to make some points about a feud. Oh well.
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