Posts are killing me

You’ll notice I changed the title and I figured it because search engines are usually drawn to titles and considering my URL is rnningfool, I could probably generate some other traffic with different words. I played off the Always Sunny in Philadelphia title, a show I have seen but never really watch (although I hear it’s good), and went with something that correlates closer to the surrounding theme of myself. I’m actually not usually drunk during the weekdays but I think I make up for that every weekend. I pay reasonably close attention to my visitor count and even though I’ve been having more traffic as of late, it’s nothing to brag about. I’ll see if this change does anything.

Props to Jkash for creating the Manayunk Moisturizer. Everyone dreams of the day when they can join the prestigious class of urban dictionary. I can’t really think of any sites I’ve ever contributed to so I can’t really write about too many other things on this topic.

I’m really out of shape compared to where I was just 3 months ago. I haven’t been going on longer runs and the one I did today I had to cut short because it was going to eat me alive. My time for the 8 miles or so was average but I had no strength in the legs. I have a 10 miler in Sea Isle the 2nd week of August so this is the time to get my body in better shape.

I’ve also been going to sleep pretty late so I’m hitting the sack early tonight (11:30). I’ve been feeling pretty good but still lack any substance. I’m thinking about joining some activity or group just to change things. I’m usually anti-anythingorganizational but I’ve been boring myself lately and need to swap things up. Maybe I should take a course on website design and see if I can actually turn this into something that makes it worthwhile to do.

The only pertinent thing I want to write about is the use of towels on a daily basis. It’s the towel conundrum. I have about 9 towels that I’ll use throughout the week. I have this issue where I prefer to use a fresh towel over one that’s been used before. Something just feels off if I don’t have a fresh towel. They take up a fair amount of space in my room and it’s annoying to wash them all the time so I’m looking for an alternative. I have a feeling most people probably have 2-3 towels and just re-use them until they decide it’s time for a wash. Am I wrong with this or does everyone have 9 towels that get used once and then washed?