I watch TV. I only watch a handful of carefully picked shows, but I think I have good taste in what a good show is.

Daisy of love is not a good show. This is a pure entertainment show. There is no good that comes out of this show. I DVR it so I only have to watch 40 minutes of it. The characters are funny though and I like watching other drunk people do stupid things, whereas it’s usually me getting drunk and doing stupid things. Down to the last episode and I could care less.

True Blood still has my interest although I didn’t think Sunday’s episode was the greatest. Not much to really write about, just a transition episode.

I watched Weed’s tonight. It’s ok. Silas and Shane have grown on me, I hate Celia and now Nancy is getting on my nerves. Is the one guy working for Silas and Doug in MTV’s Boiling Points?

I watched the Pilot of HBO’s Hung. I’ll watch the other 2 episodes but it just lacked substance. It was average, the main character wasn’t bad but the other characters all sucked. I wouldn’t recommend it but I’ll write about the other 2 episodes just for the sake of it.

I’m on a mission to watch the Dexter’s. This is a smart show that I completely missed the boat on. I don’t think it’s as good as the Wire was but it’s pretty high on my list of quality series. I just started Season 2 and hope to finish it before the weekend ends. I don’t really see any reason to break down why I like the show so much, I’ll save that till after I finish it.