I’m in a few fantasy leagues that require dues at the beginning of the season. The commissioner of one league sent out an email today that revealed that 4 people, of a 12 person league, did not pay. I have a problem with this.
I was going to post on the league message board, but I don’t know the entire details to publicly call out people, so I’ll use my blog (which technically is public but about as private as public can be). Here are the reasons why you should pay BEFORE the season starts:
- If everyone pays before the season starts, there are no financial squabbles at the end of the season.
- It’s fair by all parties involved.
Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t wait until the season ends to pay.
- You can make the argument that you paid at the beginning and start a battle based on your word against the commissioner’s.
- You aren’t entitled! If everyone pays, you should to.
- If everyone decided not to pay, it feels like funny money.
Is it the commissioner’s fault or the lazy person’s?
In my lifetime, I’ve been the manager or commissioner of leagues and teams and it sucks. No one should ever want to be in charge of rec or fantasy teams because people are assholes. They’ll forget to pay one week or tell you the check is in the mail, but it’s pure bullshit (Sam you owe me $20 from last night’s bowling you little, Venmo forgetting piece of shit). Is it the commissioner’s job to hunt down people for money? It shouldn’t be. A note should be sent and people should pay it.
A possible solution to this would be to say that if you don’t pay by such and such a date, we’ll replace you. If you want to turn the league into a fascist regime you could do this, but it would be so much easier if people paid. The reason why it bothers me is because I paid. My entry fees aren’t in my wallet like the people who are too lazy to pay the bill.
The funny part is that if anyone who hasn’t paid would say, “calm down, stop being a dick.” No. You’re the dick. Does this bother anyone else like it bothers me?
Sam paid.
I agree with you. It’s the same thing as the Manayunk bowling league when that guy fell into the lane while throwing a strike.
He should’ve immediately walked to the panel and adjusted the score to a foul instead of a strike. Instead, he walked back like there was nothing wrong and we have to be the “dick” by calling him out to fix it when really he’s the dick for not being proactive about it. In that situation, he knew he was being a dick.
Me not paying you for bowling last night was a genuine forget. For that reason, I don’t think it’s a dick move at all for you to ask me for the money. I’ve grown more comfortable telling people to Venmo me if they owe me and I think they forgot.
It bothers me a little, but apparently not as much as you, as long as they pay in the end. I was in a fantasy baseball league where one guy never paid (and I lost out on $55 cause of it). He wasn’t invited back the next year, but that money is never coming.
I’m fascinated by how people are able to move on from the truth in order to stroke their ego or enhance their position. “I saw you cross the foul line.” “I see you not reaching for you wallet.” “I saw you hit that ball out of bounds.” I don’t even think they think they are doing anything wrong. I’d imagine the response would be “what’s the big deal?” It’s not a big deal. It’s whether you live your life geared towards complete honesty because that principal is one of success and respect. If you want to muddle the rules and live in a land of lunacy, I don’t mind playing with you, but we won’t be playing for money.