So my contest was a failure. I think I made the photos too tight and the celebs weren’t celeb enough. I only had few people even submit guesses which is why I deemed it a failure. Jkash said people probably didn’t like the fact I said I was giving a prize the first time and then back tracked on the offer. Shee said the whole idea is just stupid. All I can say is that my idea of generating traffic didn’t work, so be it. I also signed up for an AdSense account so if I experiment with a few ads and see if any money can be made by it, don’t be surprised. My celeb contest idea is also on the back burner so we’ll see where that goes.

So with the vision of being a blogging celebrity out of the way, it’s back to my normal life. I literally did nothing today and not very much on Saturday. I went for a run outside to prepare for the Frostbite 5 miler and it wasn’t as bad as I thought. With the race this upcoming Saturday it means no alcohol throughout the week which is a fine change. Everything else is just business as usual.