If You Were Here by the Thompson Twins was playing on 1st Wave and I said to my mom, “I wish I was born years earlier so I could have grown up with this type of music.” If You Were Here was the song playing in 16 Candles when Jake Ryan and Sam finally kiss if you were wondering. Pretty iconic. Anyway, I started naming other artists I liked such as The Cure, Tears for Fears, and The Smiths. My mom asked me, “who are the Smiths?”


UHHHH, Morrissey, ever heard of him? The most popular song on Spotify, There is a Light That Never Goes Out, has 66 million listens. I understand not liking the Smiths or not hearing their music, but never even heard of there existence?!?!

Now I’m hoping my audience is truthful and wants to participate in a poll. Please let me know below if you’ve ever heard of the rock band, The Smiths?

Have You heard of the Smiths?

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My favorite songs below.

Technically not the Smiths, but Morrissey is the Smiths