2 Week Betting History

In the past two weeks, I’ve gone 16-6 with my sports betting picks. Sounds unbelievable I know considering I’ve been bouncing around from NFL to NBA to College Football. What’s more unbelievable is how little I actually know about each of the sports. My general philosophy is that you don’t have to know specifically about the teams but a dissection of the line with a combination of whether the team is playing well or on a losing streak. 3 of those wins have come off of Sixers covers and that’s because the Sixers started off the season poorly, have a bad record, and have just started to play much better basketball. If you can take advantage of situations like that where their record might be 6-15 but they lost 3 that they should have won, these are times when the shitty team can cover against big spreads. Tonight they square off against the Nets in New Jersey as 2 point favorites. The Nets haven’t covered in their last 5 and the Sixers have in all of their last 5. I’m going to put myself out there and say that I think that the Sixers are going to cover this spread. I’m not going to bet my house on the game and it has setup written all over it because that simple analysis is what the bookies expect the public to do. The fun part about gambling is that if you think that is what they want you to think, you take the Nets. I try not to over think games though because it just makes for a mess. Stay tuned.

By |2010-12-14T16:18:23-05:00December 14th, 2010|Sports|0 Comments

Running Hot

I’ve been running hot in just about everything lately. The last two days I’ve bet on Brandon Lang’s free picks and both covered netting me 55 bucks. Then tonight I played 2 poker tournaments a 16 dollar sng and a 12 dollar 180 man and I happened to win both netting about 630. I just ran like a god in the 180 man with some decent play accompanying it. Seriously the game is so much luck that when I think I’m playing bad and I lose, compared to how well I ran tonight to win. Also we had a big day in business today and I expect the new website to boost sales throughout 10′. Plus the market has been on a heater and I’ve been making some decent cash there. This is far different than the feeling that transpired throughout all of 08 and 09 where shit was just hitting the fan. Any money that I am making now is just replacing the money I lost over the past years. I have high hopes for the next couple days because good vibes make good things happen. That is the secret (it’s a book not a real secret).

Not to mention I ran 6 miles at 5:50 pace which is getting me closer to broad street shape. I’m way ahead of my shape that I was in last year at this point in time and my new goal is to place in the top 100. I’m sacrificing going to my brothers graduation for this race so there’s some added pressure to do well (not really). He doesn’t care though I’d suspect. As a human being, things that are important to some people just don’t mean anything to me. I think I was born without a sentimental value or without all my emotions in check. Important things like weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays are all just … lets get them over with and move on.

You can despise me for bragging once again. My next goal to make happen is getting this website to generate more traffic. I don’t care about the notoriety but more so the challenge of putting content people care about and visit because they think it’s a worthwhile read. I understand completely that this post makes me come off as a pompous ahole but this is an overview of my life as I see it and the truth is what I tell.

By |2010-03-24T01:59:27-04:00March 24th, 2010|My Life|2 Comments

No New Business

Not much has changed since my last post. I don’t really have anything of interest to write about but to take the advice of Evan Cohen, it doesn’t really matter what you write about as long as it’s something. To expand, people come to the site because, most likely, they are bored and are looking for something to keep them entertained for a minute or two. If there is not a new post up when the person goes to this site, they are disappointed and will hold it against me because of my lack of attention to this blog. So as long as I write something, anything, people are satisfied. However, to the people who read this, they are sitting there thinking, “why am I wasting my time when all this guy is doing is rambling about how boring he thinks my life must be because I am reading his blog.” I have felt this feeling of boredom that you are experiencing. Basically, you are sitting there, you have nothing to do or maybe you have something to do but you don’t feel like doing it. You’ve already channel surfed and although Saving Silverman is on you’ve seen it countless times and there has to be something more productive to do. So you go to your computer and log into facebook. Sometimes I like to click on one of my friends and then it shows mutual friends, and then I’ll click on my favorite mutual friend and then it brings up more mutual friends and then I repeat the process until I think why the fuck am I wasting my time doing this. Or you click on one of your friends and they are in a photo album but it’s the album of a foreign friend and you click on the pictures and you realize you are slideshowing through pictures of a random persons trip to Italy and once that I happens I just X facebook, put my head in my hands and wonder what has become of me. Anyway, you have for some reason found my page and now I am entertaining you with my mindless drivel. No worries, I’ll give you the lowdown of anything I think is pertinent ranging from gambling to TV to drinking, all of my favorite activities.

To start, my sports betting days have come to a screeching halt. After wagering 350 on Vanderbilt two weeks ago (and winning) i’ve been on a 1-8 slide losing all of that money plus another hundred, bringing my season total to the minus 75 dollars. I could go into detail but it hurts to much to recount. I only made one bet this weekend and it was on Pittsburgh who couldn’t cover. That’s one bet in 2 weeks and I’m hoping to stay away as long as I can.

I’ve been investing my time into poker once again. I bought holdem manager a while back, bought sharkscope, and have re-subscribed to cardrunners. Basically all of this is important to being a winning player. If you play and don’t use these tools, most likely you are not a winning player. To be honest, I invested about a grand in two months with absolutely no return. Losing players blame it on bad luck, but I was honest with myself and knew I had some leaks that I had to plug. Considering I’m writing about it, it’s safe to say I’ve turned the ship around and have been playing what I consider high level poker. I have 3 final tables in 3 days taking 5th, 3rd, and 2nd in 12 dollar 180 man tournaments. I’ve also been playing 16 turbos and 20 dollar HU to round off my tables. In my opinion, I haven’t even been “grinding” long hours but I expect to change if I can keep up this little run.

Quick TV update. Californication is the best show on television. If you don’t watch this show and you like crude sexual humor, you are seriously missing out. The last episode was phenomenal and I’m liking this season much more than the last one with Lou. Becca sort of gets on my nerves but it’s really just an awesome show. The stripper is hot, Felicia is a hot milf, I can’t remember the beat TA’s name (jill?) but this love triangle cracks me up and my wish to be Hank Moody and have all these girls love me while still being an asshole, grows with each episode. Seriously, I come out of this show wondering how I can be more like Hank.

Dexter is sort of building up to the climax which I like. The episodes have been a little slow and the LeGurta-Angel thing is annoying, but John Lithgow is playing a good role and I’m anticipating quality last couple episodes. Wagon and I were cracking up when Lithgow barged into the Asians house and then when they said they were going to call they police, Lithgow was like “don’t be absurd!” Bow-Chicka-Wowow by Masuka was good too.

Curb has been on point. This show is one of my favorite 30 minute times slots of the week. If you don’t watch it you are really being a tard. I feel like they give Jerry this aura of being better than everyone else. When Funkhauser told his joke and Jerry was like “I like him, he’s crazy,” that had me rolling. Even though I think Leon has this mandatory requirement to be funny, which usually bothers me, he plays the part well and actually is hilarious. Just watch the show if you have no clue what I’m talking about.

I’ve been buying these variety pack beers. Yards last week and the halloween Magic hat before that. The thing I’m not taking into consideration is the alcohol content of some of these. I have seen multiple that get into 6-7%. What happens is I’ll drink 12 or so, do a couple shots, and then next thing you know I’ll be blacked out for hours. Last Saturday, I literally can’t remember anything from 10-2. I can only imagine how I act and getting home safely is a miracle. You’d think at my age I would stop clowning around like this but I just never change. Mon-Thurs I don’t drink an act like a normal human being, which is how I want to act. But come Friday and after a couple beers it just becomes a shit show and I try to impress myself with how much alcohol I can consume with no regard to the fact that I’m going to become a puddle. However, this weekend is another opportunity and I will make an attempt to do better. That is all.

By |2016-10-28T15:53:21-04:00November 18th, 2009|My Life|0 Comments

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