BBall Actually SIRI
So we had our first loss in the Ambler Y basketball league last night. It was a good game throughout and finished in OT with us losing by 3. The first half was tight and I think finished tied. They started the 2nd half with a nice run to put them up 9 or so. We made a nice comeback due to some hot shooting from CK4 who I’m sure doesn’t mind me mentioning he had 16 of our 36 2nd half points. Evan had some key buckets too that kept it close. The other team had 3 really quality players who could shoot and had good moves. Bake would say his D got dominated but the guy he was covering was just a really good player. I should have played better missing some easy layups and going 1-5 from the line which is really embarrassing and could be argued cost us the game. It was very competitive and the league will boil down in the end to 4 teams who are are pretty equal in skill. A fun night of bball nonetheless.
So I wrote a post about the word actually and how I feel into a rut saying it. Now that I’ve been on the look out for the word I hear it non-stop from just about everyone. I’m not sure the word has any point to it and can be omitted from speech. Unless you are correcting someone, everything is actually. It’s just a buzzword to give the person time to think of something to say instead of stuttering with uhh’s and umm’s.
I also wanted to write that Sirius Radio stock has been given a shot in the arm and will soon cross the $1.40 barrier. I read all the haters saying how music apps are too strong of competition and Sirius won’t succeed but I’m pretty sure that it will be around to stay. Not only is the company finally turning a profit but this will allow for further innovation to the product. They receive revenue because it’s a subscription service and they also have channels that make money due to advertisements. Most channels are ad-free but some do have ads. I have 99 problems but listening to radio ain’t one. BOOM! Hit me. I just cringe every time I have to listen to AM/FM. It’s constant flipping around and generally when you flip all the stations have commercials at the same time. I just assume peons put up with the radio because they don’t know any better. I know it’s difficult for people to consider paying money for a service they assume should be free, but generally stuff you pay for is going to be better than the free product. They’ve added a Pearl Jam radio station devoted to their music which has my attention of late and Alt Nation is the best music out there. I know I own the stock and am a complete pumper but I believe this is a good long term play that people can invest a small sum of money and see decent returns.