Returning to Humanity

I’ve gotten my life back on track. It’s sort of funny but my wasted self doesn’t like to shave and it always looks like a bomb hit my room after the weekend. Now I have shaved and cleaned up my room and feel better about my life. I ran 5 miles today at a 29:27 pace which was good considering the dehydration my body feels after 4 days of drinking. I also came up with a simplistic Halloween costume which I was pretty proud of considering I hate thinking of costumes and worst even is paying for it. I’ll be in Pittsburgh for Halloween but maybe I’ll just wear the costume around on regular days as well. It has that going for it.

Weed’s is winding down into something no one cares about. I felt like this season had that going for it because it’s plots were all pretty dumbed down and no they are trying to make it suspenseful and it just isn’t going to get there. I thought the Silas and Shane duo stood out as the saving grace to the season as the other characters just don’t have any real development to them. I’m ready for the next season of shows and saw previews for a bunch on showtime like Episodes and Shameless. Episodes stars Matt LeBlanc from Friends so I’m sure it will be bad but I at least like watching the pilots. Shameless seems stupid too but ditto on the last line. Obviously Californication has become on of my favorite series out there.

No rantings or ravings about anything in particular. Everything is going swimmingly and I don’t have anything to complain about. I even went 4-0 in fantasy games this week. Aside from finding ways to overcome boredom, I’m doing great.