Best Celebrity Cleavage

Everyone loves boobs. Seemingly bigger boobs are rarer and that’s why more people are infatuated by them. It’s safe to say that these celebrities most likely wouldn’t have their celebrity status without a little help from their friends.

Ice-T’s wife has propelled to stardom with her own reality show. She has a disproportionate body and quite a fat ass. I actually think she’s mildly attractive but she’d probably break your dick off.

Sofia Vergera
Sofia wouldn’t have a part in Modern Family if it wasn’t for her boobs. She’s an ok actress but her star appeal is found in her chest. I can’t even understand the words she says half the time.

Salma Hayek
Everyone remembers Salma Hayek’s dance scene in “From Dusk til Dawn”. She really takes the cake in terms of cleavage. It’s obvious that these hispanic girls get huge racks and know how to use them to their advantage.

Victoria Beckham
These are so fake but she’s trying so hard to show them off. I always found her to be the lamest Spice girl so it surprises me her rise to fame. Sure it helps marrying David Beckham but she seems to garner way more attention than she deserves. Must be the boobs.

Katie Price
I saved the biggest for last. Katie Price wouldn’t be anyone if it wasn’t for her boobs. She’s an inspiration for anyone who wants to be famous but has no talent. Just blow up your chest to an H cup and you have a chance at fame. I think she has a sex tape too which should help arrive at stardom quicker.

By |2016-10-28T15:21:35-04:00August 19th, 2011|Boobs|2 Comments

Female Celebs I Love

Rachael Harris

JKash calls me retarded for thinking she’s hot but I absolutely fell in love with her because of her bitchy role in the Hangover. She treated Stu like dirt and I thought it was awesome. Plus she has the exact glasses I like. She isn’t one who I’d give perfect scores on looks but I like her as an actress. I also don’t think I’d want to be treated like Stu but for some reason just the idea of having a female berate and control a male like that is appealing. Plus I have a feeling she’s a real sweetie in real life.

Salma Hayek

I feel like I’ve had her on my lists before but I give her perfect 10’s for body and face. She is absolutely beautiful. I don’t really know many movies she’s in but who cares. I put her in a different category than the above. I feel like you could have a good relationship with Rachael Harris but with Salma, you just shut up and stare at her. I don’t feel like you’d have a lot of substance with her but she’d turn heads everywhere you’d go and you pretty much don’t have to do anything. Stunning.

Winona Ryder

I went through a lot of her pictures and actually don’t find her all that attractive all of the time. But she was the reason I even made this post. I watched Mr. Deeds and her role as Babe Bennett made me like her full on. I just felt like she had this normal person aura around her unlike Selma Hayek. She’s like a hidden beauty. You don’t look at her and think perfect 10 but I just think her vibe is awesome. Put the Rachael Harris glasses on her and I’ve made a match in heaven.

By |2016-10-28T15:21:19-04:00March 19th, 2011|Celeb|0 Comments

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