Kanye and Sway – You Ain’t Got The Answers!

This Kanye West interview with Sway is easily one of the most fascinating interviews of the year. Kanye is on another level of thought which can be misconstrued as nuts. It’s hard to tell if he’s always on point because to people watching him he comes off as incredibly egotistical and thinks of himself as someone who is rising above. The title of his latest album is Yeezus. He’s not naming himself after Jesus which is a common misconception and would probably make people think he’s a bit full of himself. When broken down, Yeezus is Yee-is-us. I’m not sure if us is black people or a human being but he’s saying that he stands for the people. Knowing that Kanye thinks that everything Kanye does is higher level, I wanted to breakdown some of his answers with Sway and try to get into the mind of someone of this caliber.

[pullquote align=”right” background=”on”]I am Warhol! I am #1 most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh. Walt Disney. Nike. Google – Kanye[/pullquote]

Kanye is one of the easiest people to interview because he has so much going through his head and can talk for minutes at a time uninterrupted. The first thing I noticed is that he has been playing ball with the bigger corporations in fashion and is finding the industry difficult to deal with. He’s upset with Nike and the way they are handling his sneaker the Red October’s. Nike has “marginalized” him and this bothers him. This poor relationship being described by Kanye and the corporations pushed Sway to ask why Kanye doesn’t do these types of deals himself? He calmly answered “you need proper production to bring something that has a certain value.” I thought this was a brilliant answer because you need Nike because they have the set up. Sure he could do it himself but it would take his time to make it happen the correct way and he’s always balancing time and money. When he’s working on his fashion, he isn’t working on his rapping. He then gives some wonderful business advice when he says when he’s not rapping, he’s losing relevance and relevance is power. He’s juggling so many balls that he can’t do everything himself.

This thought of him concentrating on his fashion and not rapping lead into a comment on how he is #7 behind Big Sean on the 2012 MTV’s Hottest MC list. You can tell he took this personally by his look in the interview. He made it a point to address this when he asked Sway “what do you think now” which was after Yeesus came out this year? Sway slyly says, your #1. It was even amazing when he asked who was hotter right now Kanye or Drake, Kanye answered Drake which I thought was incredible. Even behind his egotism, he still lives in some reality which is quite extraordinary.

Kim and Kanye sitting

Kim and Kanye getting cuddly.

The climax of the interview is at 17:23 where Kanye loses it. Sway again asks why don’t you do it yourself and Kanye started spazzing out that Sway doesn’t have the answers. He took it like Sway was telling him what to do and he started with the phrase, “You Ain’t Got The Answers!” He lost his cool which was quite amusing and entertaining. He even took a pot shot at Sway when he said, “What’s the name of your clothing line. We don’t know.” This came at about the same time where he paraded that he’s 13 million dollars in debt to his clothing line. The way he looks at money was strange too because he was saying how there are about 20 hot celebrities a year who have power but that it won’t last forever. Yet if you were a billionaire you could make the celebrity status last forever. The oddest part was when he said there are “1,470 billionaires in the world.” Who the fuck knows that specific of a number of how many billionaires there are unless you are someone who aspires to be one. Which there is nothing wrong with but it’s quite apparent money is on his mind.

To conclude the interview, Sway asks Kanye to rap a little bit for the audience. It starts here and it’s classic. Watching his face when the beat starts immediately makes me wonder what is going through his mind. Is he thinking of something to say? Is he getting into the groove? Then he starts rapping by not rhyming which is hilarious if you ask me. He’s using the higher level thought process that I read in a Steve Martin book that says that he would tell jokes without a punchline. I think the rapping at the end is someone who thinks incredibly hard at what their image is and what they are trying to produce. I have a lot of respect for Kanye even though he’s definitely bonkers. Don’t forget, he married and has a child with Kim Kardashian.

By |2013-12-21T19:24:08-05:00December 21st, 2013|Celeb, Music|0 Comments

Don Jon on Howard Stern

Don Jon Promo

The movie Don Jon is written and directed by Joseph Gordon Levitt and he was interviewed on the Howard Stern show today. The interview went for about 45 minutes and Levitt came off as a genuinely likeable guy. He was there to promote the movie Don Jon which took him 5 years to get onto the big screen. It stars Gordon Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, and Tony Danza. It’s about a bro, who resembles the my new haircut or Dom Mazzetti type guy, and he has some issues balancing life and a porn addiction. It’s hard to say how much the porn addiction comes into play but they are running clips for it during pornhub videos so I assume they know their target audience. The ad is pretty funny when it shows Don Jon spanking it and the camera zooms to a male pornstar’s face and the thought process that takes place. Levitt tries to appeal to both male and females because the counter part of the movie is that Scarlett is addicted to romantic comedies and I assume she expects real life to be as it is in a movie. The movie received a 7.5 on IMDB and is set to hit theaters on 9/27/13.

That’s the brief write up of the movie but I thought the interview was well done by Howard as usual. You could tell that Levitt was really gracious and couldn’t stop saying how thankful he was when Howard said he liked the movie. Howard’s generally not a dick to big named guests so whether he was being genuine or not was tough to tell but I think he was. The interview touched on Levitt as a child actor in 3rd Rock From the Sun to some indie films he did to making it big with Inception, Lincoln and The Dark Knight Rises. Levitt went into his time on set with Spielberg and Daniel Day Lewis on Lincoln and that was a good story. He described Daniel Day Lewis as never leaving character during the movie filming which I thought was funny and Spielberg having an uncanny ability of catching the right energy and moment with the camera. Levitt wouldn’t discuss his personal life which I thought was admirable although doesn’t make for the best interview. Howard knows this. Overall though I could see how Levitt could develop some dick head qualities being a child actor and probably feeling entitled to the world but that wasn’t the case at all. He seemed like a hard working guy who did a good job of moving up the ranks. It was also revealed that he smokes more weed that you’d think.

By |2013-09-24T12:29:55-04:00September 24th, 2013|Celeb, Movies|0 Comments

I’m Matt Harvey

I thought this was extremely entertaining. It works perfectly because Harvey has started to show flashes off a star and people aren’t familiar with who he is (obviously). I’d even go as far to say that 95% of MLB players would be unrecognizable to the average person. Most superstars though wouldn’t fall into this category. Most people in Philly would recognize the likes of Chase or Howard but not Dom Brown. I thought this could have been even funnier than it was though if Harvey asked better questions or had leading follow up responses. The Clayton Kershaw answer should have been followed up with “he’s a bum, Harvey rules.” He should have been guiding them to better answers. Pure gold though in the concept because the people are pure in their reaction. It’s real life.

By |2013-07-16T12:20:38-04:00July 16th, 2013|Sports|2 Comments

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