Hot Hot Hot
I’m sure everyone in Pennsylvania has noticed that the temperature has been in the 90’s the last few days and everyone loves pointing out how hot it is. I sweat more then any other human being and this weather is my absolute favorite. I’ll do my fair share of complaining how hot it is out but I secretly enjoy it. Insta-sweating is one of my favorite past times. I feel like it’s a cleansing process of removing all the toxins from my toxic body. I told my mom how I would love this weather all year round and she commented I wouldn’t appreciate weather like this. I don’t really care for that response as I dislike the cold much more than any varying level of appreciation for the heat. I really enjoy running outside too when your body overheats to the point of basically shutting down. It feels good to push your body and then start seeing stars and getting wobbly. I played tennis yesterday and I had to wring my shirt out after an hour plus of playing. I don’t especially enjoy tennis but I do enjoy the work out. I feel like running for part of the day and also playing tennis are two good cardio exercises that should get me back into shape quickly. I’m still way off my times from last year at this point which is beginning to bother me.
The other issue is that tennis starts to bother my recovering ankle. I wore a brace when I was playing and didn’t have any difficultly moving but today I’ve noticed some on and off again shooting pain. Off topic, Steve brought these weights which are a set of curls that can be adjusted to various weights which is pretty sweet. I’d recommend them to anyone who is considering buying many different weights because this is really an all in one. Plus with weights around I tend to just do random sets throughout the day. I really feel that with this heat and beach time coming up that I find the motivation to work towards my best physical shape of the year. The sweating makes me feel like I’m working hard and the motivator to look good to show off is there. I’ll be in OCMD all of next week so I’m not really sure what is going to happen to my blog. I probably won’t be bringing a laptop so I can’t promise any posts. I know this disappoints everyone but generally this should be a good time to produce some epic stories. The bike race is also this Sunday, so we are considering leaving that Monday instead of this Saturday. Also, this is a call for any females who would be interested in playing softball this Saturday at 11:30. We are in need of one girl and we’d be more than happy to have you then to look for some random at the bar. Enjoy the weather.