Hottest and Flattest

I’m banging out a two post night here so let’s give me some credit for putting forth the effort. I came up with this idea because I watched Dodgeball and Christine Taylor was in it and she didn’t have a huge rack but I still thought she was incredibly hot. I suppose you could read that last sentence and think that if you don’t have a nice pair than I can’t possibly think you are hot but that is not the case. If I were to watch a porno, I would prefer a big chest than a regular girl because most likely it’s not as attainable. However, there’s much more to females than just the boobs, they do have personalities and there’s something to say for girls who don’t get sucked into the silicone age. This post is a couple of ridiculously good looking girls who have made it without any enhancements or the gift from god.

Christine Taylor- Married to Ben Stiller and was on Hey Dude as Melody. I used to love her as a kid on Hey Dude. She always made Brad look like such a dyke by over shadowing her with beauty. Ben Stiller obviously with some pretty good taste in selecting her. Probably not the best picture but she has the whole pureness look to her.

Kate Hudson – Yes she show’s her boobs in almost famous and they are tiny. She has that one scene in Me, you, and Dupree where she’s in that yellow bikini looking hot. I actually don’t really love her that much but I think she looks really good in this picture and that golden blonde hair is very nice.

Anna Kournikova- Not the best tennis player but seriously so hot. I’m not sure she can necessarily be called flat but she’s all natural and a real beauty. This picture says it all.

Alessandra Ambrosia – I actually just saw her on TMZ today. Yes I do go to TMZ because it has celebrity gossip that makes for good conversation with girls. Anyway, she’s smoking and fits the criteria. I pretty sure that’s a push up bra which makes them look so nice but she is pretty much a ten. Victoria Secret model by the way

Shakira- Oh baby when you dance like that… I think she’s 5 feet or so and she moves that body like a cyclone. I don’t really think she’s that hot in pictures but when you see her on video it’s as black rob would say “like whoa.”

Natalie Gulbis – Not part of the criteria but this is just such a good picture of a golfer. Most female golfers are lesbians but with more on the tour looking like this, I might tune in.