The Death of the DVD


The DVD may already be dead but I want to share my thought process because it struck me as I was walking through Sam’s club today. Back when I was in High School I would buy DVD’s the day they came out. I honestly can’t remember if Comcast was selling movies through their cable boxes at the time but I highly doubt it. So Best Buy used to release their new DVD’s every Tuesday and I would anxiously await what new releases came out and buy them with glee for 15 bucks. Then when I got to college I did one of those Columbia House deals where I got 10 DVD’s for a cheap price and got to watch classics that I had always heard about but never got to watch. This continued to expand my collection. I even went so far to purchase the Godfather trilogy from Sam Goody that eventually got stolen along with a quarter from my desk drawer which at the time was heartbreaking. So by the time I was 20 I probably had near 100 DVD’s of movies ranging from The Jackal, to Grosse Point Blank, to Coming to America, to every LOtR movies. It still bothers me that Laura says how stupid LOtR’s are because I know that they are quality movies if you just give them a chance. At one point I even felt they had value. With the advent of streaming, my DVD’s turned to ash and my collection was halted.

I haven’t bought a DVD since Spiderman. Streaming and Cable knocked the socks off of the DVD. My ability to sit in my living room, press order, spend 6 dollars (11 less than a DVD) and watch the newest movies makes DVD’s prehistoric. Sure you can watch DVD’s multiple times but who does this often enough to make it worthwhile? I don’t think a thought ever enters my mind that I wish I had this movie on DVD so I could watch it right now. Correction, I did think this when I wanted to film the Gigantic Cotton Candy scene in Super Troopers so I could add it to my blog. Aside from that though, the special features on the DVD aren’t enough to keep me interested and spend money to own it. Putting the DVD into the players is TOO CUMBERSOME! I’d rather watch a movie I’ve seen 50 times on HBO than go through the process of watching a DVD. I know I’m not alone with this thought process because Sam wouldn’t watch Blue Streak 100 times for any other reason (He’s HIIIGGHH!). But when I walked through Sam’s club they must have had stock of hundreds and thousands of DVDs. I scratched my head for a minute and wondered how could this be a good business decision. They should be selling contracts to Comcast and Netflix and trying to take a cut out of referrals if they want to participate in the entertainment industry. The DVD is dead and has been for years. I enjoyed this trip down memory lane and if you want to purchase Tomorrow Never Dies from me, make me an offer.