Whatever television program I was watching had this commercial airing often enough to make me think about what was happening. Two rival ships prepare to square off in battle and for some reason a 1 and a half off the plank by Captain Morgan causes everyone to be friends. Now I assume the marketing department is trying to make you think that Captain Morgan is so cool that he helps you get along with everyone for a good time, thus the captain being a symbol of the alcoholic drink. That’s not exactly what it made me think. I was curious how the two rival sides could so quickly become friends. I know if I was on the boat, I wouldn’t be so quick to trust the other side. I would constantly have my guard up because that could be the plan of Captain Morgan’s crew. Maybe once he gains their trust he’s going to slice everyone’s throat with his scimitar. This made me try to put this in modern times and how difficult it is to trust other people without really knowing them. How long does it take for you to really know a person before you’d trust them with your life? 1 month? 1 year? Never? I know these aren’t barbaric times like the Captain Morgan commercial but it just struck me as funny how the pirates could immediately become friends knowing that they could turn on you in an instant. This was a stretch, I know, but I started writing and at this point I’m not deleting it.