11.30.16 – Did 5 hard miles on the treadmill and finished under 29 minutes. Felt strong the entire way through.

11.29.16 – Did the Mountain Peaks on the treadmill and got past the second 5.0 incline but gave up before it went back up to 7. I stopped 1 minute into it. All at 8.4 mph.

11.28.16 – Ran the Ben Franklin bridge in the cold weather.

11.25.16 – Didn’t feel great today but did manage a 50 minute run. I took a break at my midway point and after the break ran a 5:18 mile all out. Not too shabby.

11.23.16 – Ran 6 miles on the treadmill at 5:55 pace. Still have this tripping mentality on the treadmill but it’s all mental and then leaves me after a bit.

11.21.16 – Ran the rolling hills workout on the treadmill and went for about 35 minutes. Felt pretty decent.

11.20.16 – Really cold and I ran the Ben Franklin bridge in at a slow pace.

11.17.16 – I ran the treadmill today for 43:30 and covered 6 miles. Rolling Hills was the workout selection which made this all the better at 8.3 mph. I felt strong throughout and could have gone further if I had to.

11.15.16 – Longest run I’ve done in months spanned 1 hour 6 minutes. I ran out to Kelly Drive where I then ran 4 miles on the path. I split 3:05, 3:01, 3:06, 3:05, 3:00, 2:59, 2:57, 2:40. I feel fine today.

11.14.16 – 38 minutes on the treadmill “mountain range” setting at 8.3 mph. Furthest I’ve ever gotten on this setting. I finished on a 3 minute flat ground so I have no doubt I could have gone further if I didn’t quit. The next hill climb was not happening though.

11.13.16 – Ran across the Ben Franklin bridge. Both of my splits across the bridge were under 9 minutes which are around 6 minute pace. Felt strong.

11.11.16 – Ran to the Art Museum steps in under 15 minutes which is strong. Did 10 minutes of steps and then ran back. I felt decent.

11.9.16 – 3.25 miles on the treadmill at a slight incline. I didn’t feel great for no good reason. I was at 6:20 miles.

11.8.16 – I went to the treadmill today and did 32 minutes of the “rolling hills” workout. I was feeling a bit tired from yesterday but wanted to get back to back days in where I still felt pretty good. The rolling hills is a tough workout out where it runs you through inclines between 1 and 8. I was kicked before the last climb up to 8.0 and had to quit. I was at 8.3 for the entire time though which is 7:13 miles. With the inclines I’d guess this is closer to 6 minute miles because it’s never at 0.

11.7.16 – After taking 2 days off I decided to go for a longer type run. I went from my place to Kelly drive in 17:28 then started knocking off half miles in – 3:10, 3:11, 3:04, 3:05, 3:06, 2:57, 2:55, 2:48, and then 19:26 on the way back. I felt great throughout the entire run and this was after drinking about 8 beers yesterday over the course of 8 hours.

11.4.16 – Ben Franklin Bridge run from my house. The entire run took me 28:51 which I suspect is close to 6 minute miles. It was windy on the bridge both ways but I felt pretty good.

11.3.16 – I’m not sure why it took me so long to realize that I should be posting all my running posts in one page. I’ll combine that with a running log and it should give me a good basis on my times. Today I ran from my house to the Art Museum in under 15 minutes. I did 10 minutes on the stairs and then ran 1:47.9 on a 3 set stair run as fast as I could. I’ve been feeling great.