
I’ve grown to be a pretty big fan of Workaholics. Netflix only has the first season so I’ve been re-watching all of those episodes. The first season isn’t bad but the show has improved since then with Adam, Blake, and Ders really coming into their own. So I used a line, loose butthole in the title, which appears way more often in the beginning compared to now. For the uninformed, you don’t want a loose butthole, you want a tight butthole. So anything can be called loose or tight butthole. If you are wearing a stupid hat, the hat is loose butthole. Watch the clip above for a better understanding. This post will have a real point, that I haven’t made yet, but I just needed to clarify the title which won’t really come into play throughout this post. To lay it out plain and simple, interactive TV is loose butthole.

Howard Stern was interviewing Mark Cuban and the Cubes made a comment that years ago people watched TV with a beer in a recliner. Nowadays, people are up against the screen with their computers out and tweeting anytime something happens. He referred to this as interactive television using social media. He also made a point how the success of Shark Tank was aided by him “tweeting” during one of the episodes and that helped create a bigger following. That in mind, it’s easy to see why Cuban believes interactive TV is the future of television and I’d agree Mark Cuban is generally ahead of the curve. I don’t disagree with this, I just don’t like it.

On Sunday I was watching the Walking Dead and decided to open up a laptop and follow along with their “story sync”. If I hadn’t of done this, this post would never have been made because I would have no real experience with this type of television. Since I did, I can comment on how it’s more of a distraction than entertainment. I found myself watching the laptop with their stupid polls and screenshots than the show itself. I was more concerned with how many “walkers” Darrell was killing or whether Carol or Axel were an item (that never came to fruition when a bullet hit Axel in the head), than actually watching the show. They also have a comment section with hundreds if not thousands of people posting throughout the show. This was also created commotion because it’s constantly updating and paying attention to the comments leaves you missing the episode. I will add though that some people are hilarious with their comments towards characters and story lines. Andrea is an asshole was a good one.

This is why Workaholics is tight butthole. I can just sit there and watch the show. No interaction, just sit and laugh. I don’t have to worry about story lines, tweeting, updates, or anything that requires me to do something. I hope the future of our television doesn’t continue to move towards interaction like Cuban suggests because now that I’m getting old, I don’t want to interact. Once you get old you don’t want to adapt to what the newfangled kids are doing. Revolt against change! Just kidding, but I still hope interactive TV dies a slow death along with social media.

anders tight butthole

Ned Stark Loose Butthole
