An opposing view of a similar case to the Martin - Zimmerman

An opposing view of a similar case to the Martin – Zimmerman

I don’t like to stick my head in business like this but I do find this odd IF IT IS TRUE (which it is from the wiki page). I’ve never heard of this story before, have you? Which leads us to the whole Travon Martin story that has risen completely off the charts at this point and I think that this is a substantial reason why. Zimmerman is racist. He shouldn’t have been following Martin. What happened to warrant a shot to the chest is beyond everyone at this point. Does this story deserve national attention? Would it matter if the roles were reversed and Martin shot Zimmerman? I honestly feel that there are hundreds of murders a day that don’t make national news, why is this so special?

Here is my updated take on this story dated June 15th, 2013.