Chubb has a really good reputation as an insurance company. You pay a higher premium for this reputation. The idea being that if something happens to you, they don’t ask a ton of questions are are quick to pay your claim. However, when I see an ad like this, I would never purchase Chubb insurance.

This is what my insurance company would think it needs to protect me against? If this situation were to occur, an alligator sneaking up behind me while I’m lining up a putt, 2 things could happen. 1, my spider sense goes off and I see him coming and run away uninjured. I hear these things are pretty fast but I doubt it would pursue. 2, its jaws chomp me dead. This isn’t a scenario of getting injured and surviving. An alligator’s jaws shut with a force of 2,125 pounds, or with about as much force as a mid-size sedan falling on top of someone. If Chubb was selling life insurance that would be one thing, but this ad is not a life insurance ad. It’s a boneheaded ad that makes absolutely no sense and I wouldn’t want an insurance company so moronic making me feel secure. Marketing department fail. How about protecting me from something practical like a car accident or someone robbing my house. Not a < .001% chance of being attacked by an alligator the one time I'm playing golf in Florida. I'm well aware that this is a big picture ad, like we can protect you from this specific event, but that's not how I think. My mind moves to your company thinking it's necessary to protect me against alligators in Pennsylvania.