Short a few guys we entered week 3 2-0. Down the Shee and Kope, plus Madison and Evelyn; Bud, Becca, Amber (yes Amber) and a girl who I wasn’t introduced to filled in. The game started off with a big play on 4th and short to CK4 for a nice first down pick up. After that it was another romping. New girl caught a very nice catch for a TD for our first score. Our defense held and than we just kept piling it on. Becca had a nice pick, I had a pick, the defense was pretty average as usual but it just didn’t matter. Jess Baker had an acrobatic catch, JKash with some nice grabs in the middle, Gusto made some tough ones. Baker *threw 0 picks the entire game and it was 35-14 after half time (they may have had 7). Ck4 even got to play Q for a little while hitting me on a long bomb that I didn’t get in the end zone robbing us both of 6 fantasy points. There was little entertainment and the only person I failed to mention was Bud who made some nice stops early on D and almost got his face taken off when CK4 threw a bullet at his head 2 yards away in the end zone. Amber also commented how she didn’t know what she was doing and people trying to help her would tell her “don’t get in the way.” Or maybe it was “try to get in the way.” I don’t remember. 3-0 with a tough match up against the Hill next week.
Fantasy IM football would be legit… I’d definitely have Baka on my squad since he ‘through 0 picks’ – the benching to CK4 would have hurt the stats a bit though.