I know the blog has been pretty weak lately and I can’t really explain why. Sometimes ideas come to me like rapid fire and other times I just sit here and do nothing. I have 5 posts in the queue which I just can’t finish because they will suck. I haven’t been feeling 100% as of late so maybe that has something to do with it. I hope to be a bit more creative in the future.
Today at work I welded about 50 slate stakes. I know it’s pretty amazing I know how to weld but the one thing that sucks with welding that much is that the sparks seem to stick to your skin. My skin smells like burnt metal. I took a shower when I got home and went to sleep but that only made my sheets smell. So I washed them and went to the gym to try to sweat it out and here I am still smelling like metal. The funny thing about the gym was what warranted the title of this post. I’m weighing in at close to 180, I can’t lift as much weight as during the winter and my time on the treadmill was about 25 seconds slower than the track. I’m regressing. Or digressing. Whichever. Hopefully that gives me the motivation to put in some extra work. Frankly I blame the Sopranos. I’m at episode 60 and can’t wait to finish the last 25. Hbogo has been truly awesome but I wouldn’t give it a 10 out of 10. Sometimes the player skips or backtracks and that is forever frustrating. I just wanted to post something just to let everyone know I’m still around but I’m going to fit in a few more episodes before bed.
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