Step away Omar. Move over Walter White. No one really likes Jon Snow. V.A Varga is the best character on a TV Series.
Did I even remember his name was V.A Varga? No. It was mentioned in an earlier episode and you can be certain it’s an alias. If you have no idea who I’m referring to, which I’m guessing is everyone except for Jordan, he is the head honcho villain in Fargo on FX. Varga is played by David Thewlis who played Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter movies.
Fargo is in its 3rd season and I’m amazed at how few people are watching. It’s attention to detail, camera angles, thoughtfulness into every scene is unmatched. It is on par with Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and the Wire on my personal enjoyment meter. To give you an idea of how I rate shows, I prefer the turns and twists over the flash. So a show like Game of Thrones, as much as I like Tyrion & LittleFinger, is more a spectacle than a mind game. Fargo delivers on many fronts specifically with V.A Varga.
Last night’s episode was brilliant in the scene where Varga walks in with Stussy when the police were questioning him. It’s watching an amateur handle a situation with a professional stepping in. You can tell that in every scene Varga is in, the producers are putting the utmost effort in making him appear as a highly intellectual human being. The bulimia and chomping on that steel pick throws me off a bit but I’m sure it’ll be intertwined. Here’s to many more episodes of awesome Varga scenes.
I’ll also note that as much as I liked the 1st season of Fargo, the 2nd season was a step back. This season has me intrigued again and I like Ewan McGregor playing both brothers (for a while). I also see him turning to the dark side as the series progresses. Sy is amusing but I don’t see him making it through. Gloria is the name of the police woman and I see her and Varga battling it out until the end. Good stuff all around.
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