I know this problem exists but I’m not sure how widespread it is. When you visit this website, there is a good chance that you don’t see the latest post. I’ve googled “why are my latest posts not showing up using WordPress” and every result says the problem lies within the website’s cache. When I hear cache, I think of destroying the illegal arms cache in Goldeneye. I know cache has to do with storage. This would lead you to think that the storage of this website in people’s browsers is causing the issue. I’ve cleared the cache numerous times with numerous plugins and still run into the same problem. So I ask, do you have this problem every time you visit the website?
I also haven’t found any concrete answers. Since it happens to both of our blogs, and I do to my blog everything you do to your blog, I think it has to be some plugin or combination that we both installed and don’t realize is fucking everything up. I think we should try deleting the plugins one by one (and restoring if they’re not the problem).
I believe you have the W3 Total Cache plugin installed. If not, do so. I installed it and cleared the cache many times but under settings, 2 down, you’ll see “Page Cache”. Make certain it is enabled. Mine was checked off and I have a feeling this will do the trick.
I rarely see new entries when visiting both your sites. I always have to refresh for it to come up, despite clearing cache.
It’s the Russians