post-page1To have a blog for 6 years and never venture into the page structure is mind bending. If you come to my blog on a regular basis you’ll notice 2 new “pages” in the top Navigation bar title “Boner Material” and “Running Log“. If you click on those links, NSFW for the Boner Material, you’ll be taken to a page that is using a Fusion Slider. Pretty cool, right? In the much tamer “Running Log”, I’m going to be updating this page on a regular basis with the runs I’ve been doing. Instead of a post that gets lost through the years, the page will always be there.

I have a lot of work to do on the Boner Material and I’m sort of up in the air on how I want to proceed. If I didn’t have so much damn content on it, I’d probably forgo the exercise but what can I say that I have moving material that deserves it’s on page. 6 years of added up content will do that do you. My plan will be to organize the Sports posts and Life posts as well. This is a time consuming exercise but it’ll be well worth it in the end. It should take this side from a 3 to a 5 quickly. Let me know if you have any suggestions because I’m learning as I go.