I know my loyal readers don’t get to see some of the comments that come in on prior posts and they always seem to leave me wondering. Here are two of the most recent ones.

tumblr_nk2fo1irlh1qh2ek1o1_400Context: About 18 months ago Kendra Sunderland had a video of her playing with herself in a University Library. I was tracking the increase of her popularity with the idea that it would bring in viewers to my website. She has since entered the hardcore porn world and was recently on Howard Stern to promote herself. Some guy commented this on my website.

I am trying to follow Kendra Sunderland, on some communication E mail, Twitter or any way to find out when she will be the Featured Porn Star performer at a Strip club, Gentlemen’s Club, Exotic Dance club, in these 2 states Oregon and Washington. I prefer to watch her performance in Salem Oregon where she was born. Can you tell me the next date and time and place she will be in Oregon? Tom can you tell me how to find Kendra Sunderland’s schedule for the Pacific Northwest.

This guy should be red flagged as a potential stalker and full blown retard. She favorited my tweet. She doesn’t talk to me. She doesn’t have my number. She doesn’t know I exist. How the hell would I ever contact her?


bowling-pba-tripContext: If you look on the right hand side of my page you’ll see the top 5 posts. These are chosen by which pages get the most visits on that day. They are always the same ones with Madison Ivy, Claire Abbot, Brandi Passante, and Ally Lyons.

Some guys stumbles on the website and uses it as his own humble brag. This is the post he is referring to.


Pretty interesting post, I don’t even read blogs, but for some reason I typed into google when did madison ivy get a boob job, and your article on her popped up. And then i saw your article on the “jersey” strike, and now this one. i’ve never seen a blog cover bowling with these interesting stories, so good job as an avid bowler I found them really interesting. And for this season I started off with a 205 average for the first couple months (although I’ve hit a serious slump over the past two weeks now), but have never bowled a 300. I’ve gotten 11 in a game multiple times, even the back 11, but never 12. Our house’s pattern is pretty tough though. To put it in perspective, I ended last season with about a 190 average, and then for sweeps in vegas I shot a 736, so i definitely think the house has something to do with it