mmqb-jacoby-brissett-one-snapI don’t mind losing. I lose all the time and have learned to deal with losses. Last night was one of the worst games I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life and being on the wrong side of it leaves me mystified. To be that wrong makes you question your entire football betting existence. Why was it so bad?

  • The Texans didn’t cross midfield until the 3rd quarter
  • The Texans fumbled on kickoff returns twice
  • Jacoby Brisset didn’t even have to play. He could have kneeled every down and the Pats would have won
Just have long hair and you'll be one of the best RB's in the league.

Just have long hair and you’ll be one of the best RB’s in the league.

The thinking behind the game was that it’s a rookie QB, the Texans D-line is sick and would put pressure all game long, it felt like the Patriots weren’t in a dominate position without Gronk (did play but ineffective still) and Brady.

What happened? 0 pressure. Jacoby didn’t have to pass and when he did he completed short passes that went for big gains. The offense of the Texans was nauseating. 3rd and 3. What should we do? Let’s run Lamar Miller into the line. I will never take the Texans again this entire year after watching that game. Blacklisted.

I don’t even mind losing my own money but I told Jeff, “don’t overthink it”, take the Texans. He lost money too and that hurts worse. Add to it that I’m playing against Blount and the asshole scores a 30+ yard TD in the 4th which was meaningless to the game. For christ sake, be worse.