Round 1 ended with cider coming out of Evan’s nose. Yes you read that correctly, cider.
Adam said Sam was a -320 favorite and I said it was closer to -550. Chugging is one of these contests where you’re either good, or you aren’t so I don’t expect a lot of variance.
A 45 second discussion on the how it was going to start.
I like when Evan sees Sam’s glass tilting higher so he starts tilting as well. It’s like, “oh, that’s how you do it.”
I started tilting it higher because the less liquid that is in the glass, the more you have to tilt to get it out. I guess you must have slept through that lesson in Physics class because I’m sure you were there, Mr. Perfect Attendance.
Watching Sam’s glass tilt upward at a steady pace and watching your’s staying in the downward position is too funny. I also enjoy you cracking up at the end of that performance.
This is gold
The zoom in at the end is great. This was a blowout, and quite frankly a bit of an embarrassment to the family. Champ count this as a challenge, I will beat you next time you’re in the city. Cohen = royalty, look it up.
In the course of two chug offs, Evan has finished his drink 0 times. Adam, you could take a minute to finish your drink and that would still be a better result than Evan’s back-to-back DNFs.
Just let me know the place and time.