I was listening to Howard Stern yesterday and they were playing clips from this Oprah show about her taking her fans to Australia. I’m not a regular listener to Howard but I do tune in every so often. When I watch this clip of how nuts and crazy her fans are going (and how crazy she is) I just sit here and wonder what medication all these people are on because I obviously need some. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been as excited in my entire life as these people get. Obviously they are all middle-aged women who would sacrifice their lives for Oprah but this must be overdoing it to some extent. I couldn’t find the whole segment but I know they were going nuts for many minutes previous to this clip. After watching it, doesn’t Oprah seem nuts herself? What is she thinking when she keeps screaming “WE’RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA” in her hoarse and raspy, disgusting voice. This whole scene is bothersome to me because these people have devoted themselves, to their full capacity, to OPRAH! Obviously from a younger males point of view, I’m not going to appreciate everything Oprah has to offer but the what I do understand is the Oprah effect on her viewers and how she must be a professional hypnotist because she has these people brainwashed and in a trance. When I view clips like this I’m just happy to be alone because if I were any of the females in the audience’s husband’s, I’d jump off the deep end because my wife is a lunatic. The whole thing is disturbing.
Supposedly they grouped together her number 1 fans of all time; maybe that’s why they were so insane. You MUST MUST Youtube Dane Cook’s Oprah bit … especially if you thought those clips were funny.