I was talking to a German contact about my future trip to Europe and I told him I was flying into Amsterdam. His reply was, “don’t smoke too much pot. It’s legal there.”
I was aware that weed was legal in Amsterdam but this was coming from someone who I perceive as super straight edge and wouldn’t smoke pot. The idea that it’s legal makes it feel alright even though it’s wrong somewhere else.
I didn’t even contemplate smoking pot in Amsterdam because I don’t have a problem smoking pot in the USA. If I want to smoke, I can smoke. As I’ve gotten older though, I limit myself to smoking in party atmospheres and never as a day to day. Although I can’t say for certain, I don’t think I’d like to smoke daily even if I were in Amsterdam.

Sloan Kettering is a cancer center for those wondering. Johns Hopkins a prestigious medical school in Baltimore.
This is coming from someone who used to blaze that shit everyday with Johnny Hopkins and Sloan Kettering in college. Now that I feel like I’m more of a professional (lol), I actually prefer to be straight headed because I accomplish more. I feel like I can remember what I just thought about 2 seconds ago instead of spacing out because I just hit a j in the parking lot.
It’s only a stigma that you’re made to feel bad about smoking because our Gov’t doesn’t want a bunch of space cadets driving automobiles around. I completely agree with this. Weed effects your decision making process. It also can bring about thoughts you would have never thought about otherwise. Pros and cons just like everything else.
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