I won a 12 dollar 180 man sit n go yesterday which netted me $584 dollars. I wish that I could say that I played fantastically but I’d have to correct myself and say I only played very well. With about 14 left I sucked out with an 89 vs 9T ai pf. Then I had my JK beat an 8T pf and then a JK beat a pair of 5’s ai pf to get to 40k, which had me at 2nd to start the final table. I had AA at the first hand of the ft and then 88 the 2nd, both hands I took down pf. Then some action happened and we were down to 5 and I made a call from the bb vs a Button shove with 55 and held against an AT. At 4 people I was outplaying my opponents and built a stack to 120k. I knocked at 4th with an AQ vs his 44. Then I knocked out 3rd when he shoved in to my pair of nines with J8 from the SB. HU I had 200k to his 50k or so. I got it in with A8 vs his K4 and he hit. Then I got it in with KJ vs his A4 and took it down.

These tournies are weird because you can play so many of them and have unfortunate things happen to knock you out but to win them really requires a huge amount of luck and the game pretty much just decided that I was going to win. Sadly though, after my last 60 days of deposits, this win only puts me to the plus side 450. I’ve probably played about 50-100 hours worth of time, so you do the math on how much I earn per hour of playing. At least this gives me a little bit of a bankroll to gamble with because my philosophy is deposit small chunks until something like this happens and you can start to increase the stakes you play.

I also have a new thing that I’m doing that I’m writing down one investment idea a day and through this process hopefully I’ll find a better way of investing my money. AGEN is primed for takeoff as it is has a key component in a vaccination being used by GlaxoSmith-Kline. I’ve owned the stock at $1 and it has been a dog so any increase in valuation would be appreciated. I also think that POT is a good stock to look at. If BHP Billiton, a company that just had earnings of 24 billion, offers $130 dollars a share (39 billion takeover offer) and POT thinks that the offer is way too low, and their share price is up to 148, I would guess there is still some room to grow. I also read that the food demand is going to increase over time and Potash is a key component to agriculture, which might make sense why BHP is looking to buy now while they are flush with cash and the valuation may be cheap in this rough economy. My 3rd idea is to buy the VIX. I think the market will head lower in the upcoming months and as the market declines, the VIX usually will increase.