beggingMy biggest gripe with this blog theme is that the comment box blends in and is practically hidden near the bottom of the post.  I personally like the comment box at the top so you can see how many comments are on a post before you read it.  It’s like if I see Sam’s post has 5 comments I’ll be more apt to read it than one of his stinkers with 0.  Just kidding, Sam.  Anyway, in one of those rare occasions, I’m actually asking your opinion.

Continue Reading Look

Continue Reading Look

I’ve tried to find a way to move the comment box to the top but the designer of the theme said that I’d have to pay for a custom design and I don’t want to do that.  My only solution is to move to a “read more” button like you see to the right.  It shrinks the post and makes you click on it to read it.  This would allow you to see the amount of comments but you’d have to click the “continue reading” to see the full post.  I personally like seeing the whole post on the page but the designer obviously made it the way because he likes it better.  What do you prefer?

Do you prefer "read more" or the full post on the page?

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