20150914_174921Today is the real beginning of a week long vacation down in Avalon with my family. We moved our vacations from prime time Summer to the first week after Labor day for scheduling reasons. Although there isn’t as much action down here during this week, it’s peaceful and more enjoyable.

Yesterday was the first day of the football season and I spent it watching every game on Red Zone. My fantasy teams fared OK yesterday with at least 1 win and 3 games to be decided tonight. My DK and Fanduel teams also decide on tonight but I was underwhelmed for how much work I put into it. Adams and ODB were team killers. I put through a survival team (Jets, #1 pick) and was pretty average against the spread. We’ll see how tonight goes with my fate being decided by J Jones, Bradford, and A Pete.

With my obligatory football post out of the way, I’ll get further into this vacation. I very much enjoy days like this. Jeff, Sam, JC and myself went golfing today and it was pretty entertaining. I shot an 88 and had one of my best driving days of the year. Golf is so much different for me when I’m not golfing on the weekends feeling like a POS. JC was great too for someone who was golfing for the first time in a year, his expectations are sky high which leads to hilarious results because they shouldn’t be. Sam is improving and Jeff didn’t have is own set so was off his game.

20150914_174821 (1)After golf, Sam and I played a ridiculous game in the pool with a frisbee and a tennis ball. Then I went for a run, worked out, and am now typing this post before the Birds game.

It’s a lot different not working. Part of me feels guilty when orders come in and I can’t ship them but another part of me says nothing will be any different in life if the order doesn’t ship same day. It’ll take a bit to get used to but I’ll figure it out.

It also makes me realize that this is how life would be if you didn’t have to work for a living at all. Every day could be exactly like this one. Get up. Golf. Work out. Watch football. Repeat. I don’t know how much I’ll post when I’m down here but it’ll be at least once more.