91NoF33QyJL._SL1500_If you follow the blog you know I’ve been learning Photoshop for the past year or so.  I’m hardly skilled but I’ve learned a trick or two.  In my pursuit of developing the ability to manipulate pictures I realized I lacked of an essential part of Photoshop, the photo.

I went out and bought a Nikon 3300 which is an introductory model DSLR.  There is a minimal amount of zoom but the pictures are of higher resolution and I’m still working on the adjustments.  With my experience of Photoshop and the newly equipped tools to take a quality photo, I was set on my journey to become… I have no idea.


What the Hell Am I Doing?

Not quite there yet.

Not quite there yet.

At 7pm I decided to venture out into the real world with my camera for the first time.  I got in my car and traveled to Wawa to get some food and a coffee for what I wasn’t sure.  It was 7:20 when I decided to start following the sun.  I was driving west on Washington when I occurred a glaring, beautiful red ball of sun.  Picturesque.  Wow this is easy I thought.  My first time trying to take a picture and I’m following a RED sun that I can’t even think of how many times I’ve seen it like that in my life.  I couldn’t decide if I should just pull over and snap a pic or if I should keep driving closer to it so I could get a picture that wouldn’t have traffic lights in it.

I kept driving and before I knew it the sun had ducked behind some clouds and I was driving in a different direction than it was setting.  Now I was scurrying to try to find a good picture again but  I couldn’t find a good spot and there was no where to get out anyway.  Before I knew it it was 8pm, no picture in sight, and I had to go home because it was dark.  I took one picture from my car, which was highly dangerous, because I figured I needed to go home with some memory.  The first is the original and then what I shopped.



After – I could have done better in the upper right with more effort.