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Drone Race

airgonay_drone_racingThe more the future advances, the more video games are becoming real life.  I suppose this was always the plan of “interactive” gaming but this racing is intense.  You take video game controls, move them into a real life obstacle course using fast as lightning drones, and you’ll get geeks galore.  Neat stuff.  And some not so neat stuff…Reddit nerds arguing over terminology:

[–]_ARCHANG31_ 1520 points

Does it bother anyone else that nobody differentiates between “Drones” (Autonomous aircraft) and “Remote Control” aircraft?

[–]mycommentingprofile 141 points

The term “Drone” does not exclusively indicate autonomous vehicles, and has been widely accepted to be synonymous with UAV’s:

[–]shaggy1265 [score hidden]

A term or word being correct or not is decided based off common usage. If it’s widely accepted, then it’s correct.

10 years ago people used to bitch about the word “ain’t” not being a word. Now it’s in the dictionary after being used since the 1700s.

The word “literally” is now synonymous with “figuratively” because of common usage.

[–]CumulativeDrek2 [score hidden]

The word ‘literally’ is colloquially used as an emphasis. It has really become a synonym of ‘seriously’.