Yahoo! has a good article on deflategate. The report targets 3 people:
“Based on the evidence, we also have concluded that it is more probable than not that Tom Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities of [Jim] McNally and [John] Jastremski involving the release of air from Patriots game balls,” the report said.
Belicheck and Kraft are out of the loop and it is all coming down on these 3 individuals. WHEW!!!! Kraft can make comments that no hard evidence was found and it’s futile to fight the league but talk about a relief. Your untouchable QB is being targeted and 2 expendable equipment personnel. 10/10.
Punishments haven’t been handed out yet but what’s the worst that can happen? Brady gets a 2 game suspension and the Pats start the season 0-2? Is the league really going to suspend the star QB for the entire season? I don’t see that happening.
I also suspect that after reviewing the report Brady was 100% aware of what was being done. Read this:
McNally took the game balls into a bathroom before the AFC championship game, locked the door and remained in there for approximately one minute and 40 seconds. He apparently took the game balls in a breach of standard pregame procedure, the report said. Referee Walt Anderson said it was “the first time in Anderson’s nineteen years as an NFL official that he could not locate the game balls at the start of a game,” according to the report.
19 YEARS as an official! They did it. They freaking did. What are the chances that all of their balls were deflated compared to 0 of the Colts balls? Brady even had text correspondence saying that he was upset with the air pressure in the balls during a previous game. He’s aware of the issue and knows the type of football that gives him the better chance to win. Win / Win for the Pats here. Slimy bastards though.
I’m hesitant to keep giving serious comments on your blog since you and Gourlay just berate mine constantly.
If I was a betting man, I’d say Brady knew. But this line is killer, “it is more probable than not that Tom Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities”. That is so vague and inconclusive that you can’t act on it.
Compare it to the marathon man who is getting torn apart right now. There’s probably just as much evidence against him, but he’s just being owned by other people who basically know he cheated. If it was somehow related to his job, he would stand a good chance of NOT getting in trouble because of the lack of solid evidence as opposed to just supporting evidence.
Don’t be hesitant, any comment is better than no comment.
To be fair though, your audience isn’t exactly going to embrace your last 3 posts with open arms. You wrote about your love for your siblings, your gf’s sleep habits, and how you cried at a movie.
Your audience is a guy named Queef, a nutjob who wrote how his childhood was disturbed by a character from a 50’s movie called “the child catcher”, and a guy who instead of buying a shirt with a $50 dollar wedding gift transferred it into 3 months to a porn subscription site.
And to add to the actual comment. The Patriots look for any edge than can and assume they won’t get caught. When they actually get caught, deny deny deny. It’s quite amazing.
“To be fair though, your audience isn’t exactly going to embrace your last 3 posts with open arms. You wrote about your love for your siblings, your gf’s sleep habits, and how you cried at a movie.”