Let’s chalk one up to Rnningfool. The last post managed 9 comments (2 by me) and 16 likes on Facebook which has to be a record. Jess Baker even acknowledged that she liked the Shark Tank post I wrote which makes me happy because I took a while to write it. With the site performing as average as possible, it’s nice to get some interaction with people. Yes, I had to post the link on Facebook and plead with people to like it but it worked.
The referrals are also worth looking at to see where the traffic comes from. Organic Google traffic sent about 3,054 people this month and direct traffic is 1,045 (This chart does not show this). Google traffic is mainly people finding random pages I’ve created over the years so it’s not that relevant. Also noteworthy is that Gourlay’s Goodies has not sent a single person to my website. Welcome back! Sam sent me 67 satisfied viewers.
Deciphering the stats is fun for me because it shows concrete data of what I’m doing. It’s work being graded. I’ve always been a B student and I’m pretty much getting B marks. I have a good feel for what I’m doing but I haven’t exploded with a Kim K ass pic that breaks the internet. Considering I have virtually no talent and nothing of interest, this will take some serious thinking.
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